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3. Takayuki OGAWA, Hiroaki OHNO, 2024, "Hyperbolic Discounting and State-Dependent Commitment," Economica, Vol. 91(362), pp.414--445.
4. Hiroaki OHNO, 2016, "Impact of Risk Aversion on Optimal Market Integration," Journal of Economic Integration, Vol. 31 (4) pp.968--994.
5. Hiroaki OHNO, Kouki SUGAWARA, 2016, "Variety Expansion, Preference Shocks, and Financial Intermediaries," Annals of Finance, Vol.12 (1) pp.17--28.
6. Hiroaki OHNO, 2014, "Limited Market Participation, Financial Intermediation, and Consumption Smoothing," International Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 7(3) pp. 36--44.
7. Hiroaki OHNO, 2011, "Limited Market Participation, Financial Intermediaries, and Endogenous Growth," Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 4 (1) pp. 51--62.
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9. Hiroaki OHNO, 2010, "Risk-Sharing Externalities and Its Implications for Equity Premium in an Infinite-Horizon Economy," Czech Economic Review, vol. 4 (2) pp. 168--188.
10. Hiroaki OHNO, 2009, "Incomplete Market Participation, Endogenous Endowment Risks and Welfare", Journal of Economics and Business, vol. 61 (5) pp. 392--403.
11. 大野弘明, 2007, "市場参加選択の厚生経済分析," 『大阪大学経済学』, 第57巻(2), pp.59--69.
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